July 29, 2010

A Pain in the A...and Crickets!

The last of my recaps was the "Over the weekend..." post and I find myself not having anything interesting to share with you all my 5 readers, maybe 6.  I have a food post coming up next week, some most needed testosterone will be brought in via Tuesday's Guest Blogger.... which I'm deciding may be moved to Wednesday's Guest Blogger. ..What else?.... Oh I swear I'm gonna get a camera and give you all a tour of our house, you will then understand why it feels like a vacation over here.

This weekend I have big plans! Big plans I tell you. I'm talking free events, my faves!!! I'm talking dancing!!! I'm talking shopping!!!! I'm talking....hhmm....Well we'll see.

So what went down this week so far?

Well, Monday I um....ooh I drove to West Covina. Yeah I just realized how lame my Monday was. Tuesday was not better. Neither was Wednesday for that matter. In an effort to save some money the Roomie and I decided to make dinner and not eat out. So food has been good but socially......(crickets).......(crickets)........I did finally get around to meeting the Real Housewives of New Jersey.........(crickets)........

In more personal news, I hurt my sciatic nerve.  AKA...Sciatica. From driving too long in traffic. Not a very pleasant feeling. Let's do a little anatomy lessons:
The term sciatica describes the symptoms of leg pain and possibly tingling, numbness or weakness that originates in the low back and travels through the buttock and down the large sciatic nerve in the back of the leg.

My pain has decided to concentrate on the right buttock and lower thigh area. I also think it might be starting to spread down a bit to the calf. I walk around with my had placed in said area and I feel old. Sitting at a desk in an uncomfortable chair for 8 hours a day does not help either. Is it me or does that picture - courtesy of google search - have some serious calf muscle going on? Nice butt too. Back to the issue at hand, or at butt.....lol....I thought it was funny..... (crickets).....(crickets).....apparently sciatica is the symptom of the problem not the problem it's self.
Sciatica refers to a set of symptoms that are usually caused by a problem in the lower back called a radiculopathy - when a nerve root that connects to the sciatic nerve is compressed or irritated.


From my own personal diagnosis, which I totally am aware may not be the smartest idea, since most pain goes away within a few weeks I have decided to just treat it with ibuprofen and heat/ice therapy. I've already hit up all my friends for their pain meds....fortunately all my friends are clean and I was able to "score"  800 ibuprofen. Bad Marisol....hangs head in shame.

If I can't trust WebMD or Spine-Health.com then what are my options really? Go see a Dr? Yeah, I will if I don't feel better.  *lightbulb!* What if it was the batting caged that cause this? Say in ain't so!........NO! I REFUSE.....It was the driving, the driving, the driving and you can't tell me otherwise!


Who's excited about Jersey Shore's second season tonight?? GTL Baby!!!



  1. The sciatic nerve is the mutha****** responsible for many senior citizens injuries, particularly men in their 60's and over. Their legs give out after a while of walking, ect..Too bad you're feeling that pain now.. I guess you're above average and a litte ahead of the curb there, abuelita Mari. j/k.

  2. why is it on EVERY adventure you injure yourself? would that make you accident prone? oh marisol.... anyhoo it sounds like you are learning to be more domesticated but DONT get lost at the Jersey Shore!!!! i don't understand why those people are so orange...oh well, i digress...


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