We have a lot in common she and I. Me and her? We? We went to the same JR High and High School. We both have gorgeous brown hair. We both are going through some emotional madness...stupid boys. Most importantly, we both have never lived on our own. Plus we have a deal, I feed the dogs and she washes the dishes. At least that's the deal that's in my head. She's a private type of girl, she doesn't even know she is being featured here. I'll see what I can do to get her to write on here once in while. She's a smart cookie this one...she's a great writer, better than me... or at least I'm sure she definitely has a bigger vocabulary.
So what happened to living on your own Marisol? Well, I was a little scared to do it so when the opportunity presented itself for a roommate, I was all in!!! (I'm bowing my head with embarrassment now). I've never lived alone before!!!!!!! Ever!!!!!!! Even when I did the study abroad thing I had a roomie. I don't thinks it's really the staying in a house alone part that gets to me. I think it's the reality of it. I'm 28 and I'm sheltered. Pampered, taken care of! I'm choosing to let it go. Yes, just for 3 weeks but that only reminds me that I will really have to let go one day....
Well even though u have a "roomie" you're still pretty much on your own. You'll have to cook for yourselves and split responsibilities. Anyway, it's a good start to.
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don't worry, I'll make a cameo here and there!
she's not going to be here for the weekend so that will be interesting!