Friday Night Flicks is an event during the summer in Downtown LA where they show movies on this giant blow up screen (40x20 feet) for free in Pershing Square.
You can bring blankets or folding chairs and have a picnic. When I found out about this event half of the movies had already played and there were only a few Fridays left. Out of all the movie choices, some I had seen, some I had no interest in seeing and then there was Valley Girl. You see I'm a girl of the 80's. AM TOO!!! I was born in 81 so I can like totally soooo claim that. I love the 80's so much I even threw an 80s theme b-day once. Hmmm....maybe I should put those pictures up one of these days....back to the valley!

My excitement over this movie was based solely on the fact that I hadn't seen it and always wanted to. Also, a very young Nicolas Cage, so young he has an overflow of hair! So I rounded up some gal pals and of we went! We got there early so we had a great spot and the movie was started right at 8:30pm. It was nice to see groups of friends, families, teens, and some homeless people come together to just enjoy a movie. Thanks LA!... I LOVED this movie. "I'll stop the world and melt with you...You've seen the difference and It's getting better all the time...There's nothing you and I won't do I'll stop the world and me-elt with you!"...Oh you better believe it! Marissa, Tammy and I got up and danced at the end of the movie while signing out loud to this song.
Saturday night, was going to be my big night out. Free concert and then of to "shake the stress away" a la Rhianna!!! But some how it turned into my big night in. Let's see how it all went down....Saturday morning was fine kept busy. Hit pet-co for some needed dog food, then on to target with Ariana, Karen, Dayan and Ricky. Afterwards I was all set to go swim when I discovered that my super cool swimming goggle were missing. Apparently they had made their way to Virginia with my Dad. Great. So I volunteered to help Ariana clean the apartments she bought to rent out. Three hours later and high of bleach and ammonia fumes we did some fine dining at Chilli's. Yum. While out and about...Ariana mentioned how she could not flake out on her friend who had invited us out the night before and out that night. I thought, no big deal after the show we can meet up with her and her friends. So far no problema right? I asked where her friend wanted us to meet her, "Rodeo" she said. Red Flag #1. She texted her friend for more information and we got "Rodeo lol". Why LOL??? What's so funny??? Red Flag #2. I needed more information, like what city? "Pico Rivera". Red Flag #3. Back home I goggled "Rodeo Pico Rivera"....results..."El Rodeo Night Club-WWW.ELRODEONIGHTCLUB.COM. .. " RED FLAG RED FLAG RED FLAG. Here's the thing....
- I'm Guatemalan. We don't really do Banda music there.
- Heck no!!! NOPE, not gonna happen. I don't do Banda music.
I declined.
Ariana felt she had to accompany her friend seeing as we had already flaked on her the night before. Cutting it close to show time for the concert we parted ways. I went back home to an empty house...no one could go with me since it was so last-minute. I still had to shower and it was getting really gloomy out, I really didn't fell like going alone...all the way Downtown. During the summer Grand Performances has a series of concert and movies and performances in California Plaza....For Free.......yeah I love me some Free!! They show lot's of really cool stuff, a little of everything for everyone. I went to quite a few shows last year and only 1 so far this year :(
Back to my sad Saturday night...I sat on my sisters bed and the next thing I know, I wake up and it's like 9:30pm. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...Looking back I feel I should have just gone on my own. I've gone alone before but this time I was just not in the mood I guess. I really wanted to see Pacha Massive. So I will just have to settle for a YouTube rendition of my favorite song of theirs "Don't Let Go"...
Sunday was a good day...I got to see my best gal pal try on her wedding dress. She looked so beautiful. Funny thing about finding the dress...when you know, you know. Now if only finding the guy were that simple...Since this site is dedicated to my friends, they are always welcome on here. Whether it's by guest posting for me or by commenting on what I write. There will be more about this coming wedding. It's you know like, a big deal for sure to me. Claudia will be posting once in a while about this whole wedding deal and getting married and sharing stuff about that kind of stuff...hope you my, 5 maybe 6, readers don't mind.
Monday was a day off for me. I took a personal day. Hence....."hence" I like that word.....Hence, why this post is for freaking late. Bad blogger! And Finally.....Tuesday...AKA...the day we moved out...more on these two days coming up later...
So tune in next time ..same blog channel, same blog time...Hopefully much better post lol!
About ht eversion of Valley Girl you saw, it was probably heavily edited. You should rent the dvd sometime and watch all the scenes you missed.
ReplyDeleteI will get on it and write a guest blog soon. I'll try to do it over the weekend. Promise.