May 3, 2011

Sunny May Day

Mayday! My blog has been screaming this for a while now. I haven't had the urge to blog. Seriously, not even to publish stuff I've already written. I lost my mojo. my blog mojo. :( Bu I promise I'm working on it!!

On a happier note how  beautiful was the weather today???!!! It was snowing in Minnesota. SNOWING, people!!!!!!Oh and  how cute is my dress? I know I sound totally into myself, but it's new and it was on sale. My favorite type of dress! So is the sweater...I may or may not have gone a recent shopping spree.

I brought up Minnesota because I was there this past weekend. If you still don't know why i go, it's for work. But I've yet to share what exactly I do there. Well, right in the heart of Eden Prairie, Minnesota is the Shop NBC Network studios. SNBC is an at home shopping network. My company sells cosmetics products on air and we do this about once a month. I fly in at least a full 24 hours before the show and we start preparing. I book the models, I prep the items that will be used by the models and by my boss on air. Then we have the actual show day. These shows are live, so I'm there acting like a production assistant around the clock for like 27 hours. I make sure everything from our end is running smoothly, plus I prepare the models before they on air, like put on make-up or prep them with our products. The shows are live so it's stressful, tiring and your adrenaline is pumping, plus i learned a whole new definition of the word multitasking! I get some breaks in between hours so I either try to sleep or eat (bad, bland food). Although sleeping is not possible for some reason. Could be the super uncomfortable pillows or the adrenaline, who knows.The following day I fly home. It takes me an extra day to recover.

Today would have been my recovery... and normally I would not go back to the office. But I just had so much work to do I had to come in. Standing on top of this wall should not have been something I do on a normal day, let alone on a day I'm tired. See how gracefully I stepped off...good thing I was holding on to that fence.

I didn't mind coming in today though. That means I have a free day I can take off at another time! Oh yeah, high fives! The photos were taken by my co-worker, I explained they were for my blog but she just looked at me like I was a crazy person and clicked away.

- Marisol


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