So it has come to pass that our little 3-week adventure in house-sitting is over. Tuesday was day 21. The day we packed up our one bag and left Veronica's house never to return again...except when we visit and go back to guest status. But our last day really was on Monday since that was our actual last night sleeping there.
Monday was planned out as follows: Sleep in...make some b-fast...get camera...shower..head to Santa Monica...hang out...have a nice a movie...go to bed. At least that's how it played out in my head before I woke up. It went more like this: took for ever to wake up...ordered b-fast from Denny's...cleaned house massage!...bought camera!...went home...showered...fell asleep.......ZzzzzZzzzzzZzzzzzz...ate Ramen for dinner..watched Real Housewives of Jersey and Sixteen Candles...went to bed dreaming about Jake Ryan. Oh Jake Ryan... contemplating Photoshoping my face into Molly Ringwald's in this picture:

No special ceremonial moment about the end of our journey, nope just some TV and the excitement of finding Sleepy Time tea on our last night there. I can't believe we didn't find it before. Apparently, after a massage you don't feel like doing absolutely anything at all. So, Thank You!, to the kind peeps at Massage Envy for completely zonking us out for the rest of the day. This place is a somewhat affordable location to get a massage, at least if it's your first time there anyway. Man...I needed one bad. It was hard for me to concentrate and relax at first but by the end of the 50 mins I was almost asleep. I'm gonna have to set up a money jar and deposit "massage" money in it. I figure they are really good for you, it's pampering and it feels great. If I cut some of the bad stuff in my life like, McD's pies, chai latte's from Coffee Bean, my magic breakfast sandwich less times a week, and no more Target! I can't walk into a Target and just walk always end up buying some thing I need want need...alright just something, period! Take all that and in about 2 months I can go get another massage :) Although I prefer going to The Massage Spot. It's a little less pricey than Massage Envy and less of the fancy appeal but I love it there. Ariana had a Massage Envy gift card so that how we ended up there.
Oh yeah, did you catch that part about me finally buying a camera? How Ironic that I buy it on our last day LOL! I'm also going to promptly return it back to Best Buy. See I'm a Canon girl. Always have owned one and never had a problem with one. My last one was murdered recently But I went and bought me a Nikon.
The one I was going to buy was this Cannon SD1400 PowerShot. In pink and everything, but they only had the silver in store. I would have to order it online. Plus it was a little over my budget...

So I bought the Nikon - Coolpix S4000. Nothing wrong about this even has a touch screen AND it was like almost $100 cheaper, but again, I'm a Canon girl. Always have been always will be. This camera just didn't do it for me. Everyone has their opinion, but I should have listened to my gut.

I was more than happy to find out that a new model Canon came out so therefore my sweet little pink camera went on sale!! Woohoo! What do I like second best to free??? SALE!!!! So I'm gonna order that baby and return little Nikon to Best Buy as soon as I get the package in the mail.
But back to saying good bye...We left the house Tuesday evening...we were really sad. You see both of us have just come to the end of the road in very long...loooooong...serious relationships. Our stories are not the same but a breakup is a breakup. Being there was like therapy for us. It kept us busy and it also gave us a place to talk into 2am in the morning when need be. It was a break from reality, and an opportunity to let our emotions run free without having to explain to anyone why we were crying or why we were sad on any given moment. We also had lot's of fun! Lot's of laughs and definitely a brand spanking new friendship...the kind you know will be for life. So thank you Veronica!! Thank you so much!! Really, you did us a favor.
Now I'm left wondering what to do about this here blog??? Get ready my readers...I'm gonna be needing your input soon.
So today's post I leave you with a little sum'n sum'n to watch, I hope you really enjoy the music:
End Of The Road from Marisol Barrera on Vimeo.
We never had our dinner! Lol
ReplyDeleteoh well now we have my place too!
I think you should have photoshopped your face to mollys body, that would have been great! Lol
I think you should keep up the blog! You're funny and witty and I like how you write the way you speak. Besides, it gives something to read while I'm at work. Hehe
ok bye.
Don't remind me...eww