Ok, when I was asked write as a guest blogger I was like ok cool, blog hmmm what should I write about....Marisol (being one of my sisters) and I say this cuz we have known each other for so long and been through a lot back in the days and I always saw her like my sister and of course my other sister Karla. I reconnected with her on Facebook. After we graduated I had lost touch with a lot of good friends, but now I'm back in contact with them. Especially my sisters. So being the good brother that I am (lol) I told her I would write in her blog. So imma talk bout my family a lil bit, deployment life and well just some random stuff cuz that's how I am!!!

Well things here in Afghanistan, things are ok, this is my 5th deployment now so it really doesn’t phase/bother me at all with the dumb crap and stupid things that go down cuz I’m used to it already. But sometimes, man oh man, u come across some ignorant ass people who think they are better than u when they really are not. So u put them in their place and then they get all pissy and hold a grudge. So all I do is show them that in the end I am better and BAM.....they leave upset. Lol. Conditions here are aight, I have been in far worse living conditions so I can’t really complain. I'm on a 24 hour shift, day on and day off which consists of providing artillery support for infantry. What this means??? I shoot a big ass cannon like tank with a big ass bullet to keep the guys out on the ground alive. Other than that, right now life is pretty redundant cuz it’s the same stuff day in and day out. Got a couple of pics here so everyone can see my job and what I do.....

Now I have a wife and kids. She has been super supportive of everything from the start and has been there through all the madness and craziness. Of course we have our ups and downs but who doesn’t in marriage? No one ever said it was gonna be all sunshine and rainbows and give u an instruction manual and be like "here you go". But in all actuality I love that woman to death cuz I have been quite a pain in the ass, though sometimes not on purpose but hey, I think I’m allowed some le-way. But still, if there was an award for like the most awesome-est wife in the world she would win cuz she is.

Well sis, I hope this was good enough for your awesome blog, and if you want me to write in it again the future let me know and I will gladly do it again!!!!
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