November 22, 2011

Photography Challenge - Challenge!

Between being sick, actually celebrating my b-day and being swamped at work,  I've been lagging with the pictures and in fact I missed some days. Not only because I forgot or didn't have time but because of my genius idea to use my iPhone to take the pictures. I did not realize, or better said I did not think about, how some of the challenges were meant for people with those fancy cameras. You know the kind that you can change setting on and stuff like that. Anywho  So here goes day 10-21!

Day 10: Childhood Memory.
This was the first photo challenge that stumped me. then as i sat in my room watching the final hours of the day pass I looked at the one thing left in my room from my childhood. Meet Max.

Day 11: Something Blue.
I am secretly obsessed with blue eyeshadow. Yet I never wear it. I always look like i got punched and have a black eye.
 Day 12: Sunset.
I kept trying and trying but either I missed it or it was raining or a million other reasons this didn't make it. So how about a picture of just the sun...

Day 13: Yourself with 13 things.
Things or rings? Well, rings are things.

Day 14: Eye.
Hi Dad! Love that you didn't even ask what I was doing, you just sat there and let me take your picture.

Day 15: Silhouette.
Good morning!

Day 16: Long Exposure.
Hmm...yeah, need a fancy camera. But THIS is what it looks like.

Day 17: Technology.
This will always look cool to me no matter how many I see or how fancy they get.

Day 18: Your Shoes.
Shoes. Plural people, plural!

Day 19:Something Orange

Day 20: Bokeh
Again, fancy camera needed. I do hope to take it later though... it looks pretty!

Day 21: Faceless Self-Portrait.
There is more to this picture but, I think this is my favorite so far. I would also like to confess to the fact that I did not in fact take this photo. The Boyfriend did. I said, "Take a picture of me holding this to my face, don't ask me why"

I'm not doing any better with the 30 letters but in any case those can take more time as I want them to be special. The pictures are coming along great though, can wait to share those with you!


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