October 6, 2011

Thankful Print

Pretty and cute prints make me happy. So when I came across this image on Etsy, I immediately wanted it.  But before I hit the buy option, I thought to myself, where would I put this?
Source: etsy.com via Marisol on Pinterest

Am I too old to be buying these things? Maybe I can put it in my future child's nursery some day? In my apartment in a collage of prints and photos? Then I realized I don't care, I'll find a spot for it. I think it was the combination of it's cuteness and it's message that got me.
  1. Delicious Beverages - Oh Chai Latte, what would my life be like without you? Dear green tea, you are my addiction and my caffeine fix. Milk, yes, you made it good. Water, you fulfill me. Pink Lemonade, you make me smile.
  2. Sun - The way your warmth kisses my face as soon as I step outside, there is nothing quite like that.
  3. Trees - You keep us shady and you bear fruit. You let children climb you and you let adults decorate you. Sorry we keep chopping you up. 
  4. Road trips - Ah the memories, the wind in my hair, the radio blasting, the sleeping in awkward positions, the roads less traveled... accidentally while we are temporarily out of place, never lost.
  5. Nice People - You make this world a better place, I hope to be more like you every day. 
  6. Oceans + Mountains - Up high or down low, the beauty in wich you were created will alwasy leave me breathless. 
  7. Good Food - Enough said!
  8. Love - Above all things you are the greatest. 
  9. Music - Soft lulabies, heavy beats, fast tempos and powerful lyrics. You are the most versatile gift ever. 
  10. Animals - From cute to scary, fluffy or prickly, ant or elephant, you have your place and your purpose.  One day I will break you out of those zoos.
  11. Plants - There is more than meets the eye to you. You cleam my air and apperantly you bring stress down at work. I will now go buy one for my desk. 
  12. You - My future son? My love? My Papa? Maybe it's a girl with short hair? To the "You's" in my life that make me a better woman. I'm thankful for you. 
There are more than 12 things that I am thankful for, but this is a good little reminder. Poster definately will be bought!


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