October 24, 2011

Guest Post: Doreen

October's Guest made me cry. Thanks a lot Doreen. Thanks for showing me this lovely side of you, and for writing so beautifully....

Natures son 

October has become my favorite month. The first of the last three months of the year and the one that kicks off all the festivities. The fashions of the winter months where we all dress up in our finest wool peacoats, scarves and boots. The brown and orange leaves that get swept into the cold crisp October breeze. The scent of candy still lingering in the air. But what really makes October my favorite is because it is my son Josephs birthday month. This year marks a milestone. His 5th year on this earth.

Joey’s been a blessing to my husband and me. With each day that goes by we love him more (if that’s even possible). I still can’t believe how much he has grown. He’s developed his own character and I realize that he is his own little person. I still remember when I was pregnant and thinking to myself that he will not be safe outside in the world as he would be if he stayed in my womb forever and as long as he was with me I would know that he would be ok. Unfortunately, I couldn’t keep him there. Someone once wrote: “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” I could not agree more.

It’s weird to think that just 5 years ago Joey was just a newborn baby and never imagining that he would become my best friend. He’s given me great advice from his oh so mature age. One recent point of view of his was about life. I was driving and he felt that I was upset, although I wasn’t showing him my feelings; he quickly gathered that something was troubling me. He started talking aloud about how beautiful life is. Pointing out how green the leaves on a tree are, and how fresh the breeze was coming in through my car window, how the sun is the king and gives us light when we have darkness, how the birds are singing songs to us. I realized then that my son is much wiser than me in some ways. He’s closer to nature than me. He sees things in a way that I as a grown up seemed to have forgotten. He keeps me young and grounded and lets me see the world in a whole different perspective.

Joey has given me the strength to want to accomplish my goals and seek new ones. He makes me want to be a better person. I hope he never grows up but then again I will love to see when he starts to become a young man. I can just see it now. Riding his bike around the block with his friends and getting into some boyish mischief, baseball practices and skinned knees, secret crushes, the changes in his voice from his pre-pubescent years to his man voice years, learning to drive, shaving his five o’clock shadow, girls calling (ugh!), taking pictures of him with his prom date, walking up the stage to receive his diploma….leaving for college (*tear*).

It’s bittersweet that my baby boy will no longer be a baby. I will miss his small fragile voice asking me a million questions in one sentence and his eyes beaming in wonder when he sees something magnificent for the very first time. I have great dreams for him. I know that he is destined for something great. He has shown empathy and nobility in his young age. A trait that some have not had the ability to hold. Whatever he wants to do with his life, I am confident that he will accomplish it and we will be there to guide him and to make sure he does it with integrity. I really don’t know what the future holds for him and he may or may not stay in his angelic ways but he will always be my nature’s son.


1 comment:

  1. Well said Gato. I believe the same. We must be the best people we can be for our children. We are, in a very literal sense, their entire world at this crucial stage in their lives. We introduce them to the world at large through our actions and beliefs and words. We are creating the world of tomorrow through them, just as today was created by our parents.


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