August 8, 2011

Guest Post: Veronica

Oh Veronica, because of you this blog exists really. You are my inspiration to how to raise my future children. Seriously, kids that do their own laundry is pretty awesome. So here she is folks, super mom and super cool friend...Veronica: 

Let me just start off by saying I love my kids, all of them :) ….but they are all soooo different! Oscar, the oldest one, is a serious thinker; he doesn’t take things lightly but is very caring and generous. Georgie, the middle one, resembles me in my free spirit and can-do attitude. Valerie, the youngest, is the typical princess… It took me a while to like her lol. So this post will be dedicated to my children and their unique personalities… I will share stories!

I have a ton of Oscar stories but the one the sticks out the most is the Martin Luther King story. One afternoon he came home from school and sat next to me. He wanted to let me know how lucky Georgie is because of MLK. I immediately stopped what I was doing to ask why. Why would Georgie be lucky thanks to MLK?? He then said that when MLK was a young boy he wanted to play with white kids and couldn’t so he grew up to fight for equal rights. Since Georgie has a darker complexion, Oscar assumed Georgie was African American and that we could keep him thanks to MLK! I couldn’t get him to understand that his brother was Mexican. Oscar is very gullible – that’s the trait he inherited from me.

Like I said I love all my kids EQUALLY but Georgie is perfect, since day one! He excels in everything he does whether it’s sports or academics. I remember asking him if there is anything I can do to improve as a mom and he said, “Mommy, you’re perfect.” So you see, we are alike in that we are both perfect!

Valerie and I got off to a rough start; I really believe that if she was my first child she would have been the last…so she is my last! She would cry for hours for the first two and half years of her life! Now that she is three she is the happiest little girl and is a great addition to our family! She is so talkative and affectionate. She is quick to tell me I stink and need to shower and notices even subtle changes in my wardrobe... She tells me how pretty I look when I dress up! 

I completely embrace motherhood I might not love every second of every day but I wouldn’t change anything. My house is chaotic but always full of love and laughter!


1 comment:

  1. Vero, your kids stories always crack me up The MLK one is a classic :)


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