March is done, can you believe it? To close out this month I present to you my March guest blogger Karla C!! We go back to our Jr. High days... if only I could remember her. You see we reconnected a few years ago and I have no recollection of her. Either she's lying and desperately wanted to be my friend or I have a bad memory! I'm going with bad memory. So here's Karla C. Why the C, well cuz I have another Karla coming up soon...
Hi all!! I'm Karla .When Marisol asked me to be a guest blogger I was really honored. This is her baby and for anybody to wanna have me hold they’re baby is cause for worry. I was super excited and wondering what I could possibly write about. Then as the days passed by, the worrying set in. I had no effin clue what to write about. I'm a procrastinator to the core so like all things I just did it like Nike. I got on the computer and started writing or typing away ..whatever…
So lately I’ve been on a documentary watching mood. This partly in fault to me having way too much free time at work. I literally just sit in front of a computer and wait for the phone to ring. Don’t get me wrong it gets busy from time to time and I occasionally get that ghetto ass customer smack in her lips at me and she’s probably rolling her neck but as I am on the phone I cant see it. Haha! Anyways yea, so I have an easy job with Internet access. This means I am always looking up stuff from “how to” sites to recipes to why do we celebrate Halloween or Christmas and so on and so forth. But most of my time is either spent on YouTube or on my co-workers NetFlix account. You can guess where I’ve been lately. So I would like to share with you guys and gals some movies I found very interesting. If u have already watched them, well just pretend you haven’t and I'm teaching you something new. OK =)
1st up: Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price
I had never before shopped at a Wal-Mart mainly cause I found them inconveniently far and i find it very annoying when the ghetto masses stamped to the same water hole. But this movie made me see why they can afford to sell us a bunch of stuff you probably don’t need but want because of the low price. You hear testimonial from actual people who worked there on how they where overwork and underpay. How they have ignored environmental laws on more than one occasion. But what really did it for me was, when they show you the workers in China. We all know large companies outsource the work because its cheaper. There you see how the workers that make the products you are buying are pretty much kept as slaves. Oh, they pay them but they have to live on the lot and they take rent out of they’re checks …wtf? …you just gotta see it. I will never ever shop at a Wal-Mart, EVER! I'm sticking to Target, damn it!
2nd up: Food Matters
This one is just as the title say, food matters. It talks about how if you feed your body the right things like raw veggies and vitamins and stuff you will be a very healthy person. I don’t mean supermodel thin and have a rocking body. I mean overall health. You wont be tired as much. You wont get sick as often if at all and you will probably live a longer life. What I liked is that it proved to me what I suspected long ago. The drug companies and doctors that endorse they’re drugs are no better than your street corner drug dealer. They are in the business of making money and keeping you sick. if you are healthy you have no need to buy the meds they have to sell. All the meds do is treat the symptoms. They don’t cure it. Think about that next time you have a headache and pop that Advil. Do you really need another drug in your body? Or should you just take more vitamins, which are probably cheaper and are beneficial to your body? I know I should eating better and taking vitamins and stuff but how can I say no to a delicious McGriddle. It’s a pancake and a sausage in a sandwich. Genius! And as far as taking a multi-vitamin I have no excuse. If I can remember to take my birth control every morning there is no reason I can’t take a freaking vitamin too.
And last but not least and just for shits and giggles: 3rd up: Space Balls
I know its not a docu, but its hilarious!! Its so stupid its fantastic! Some of you might not have the same sense of humor as I do but I challenge you not to laugh at the dorky “Darth Vader” with his over sized helmets or the scene where they “comb” the desert hahaha!
So I leave you now with a clip from Space Balls. One of my fav scenes. Enjoy! And thanks for reading =)
(I wasn't able to embed this link...thanks a lot YouTube!! )