I will be back on track after the this weekend. I need to recover from the eating and the shopping I intend to do. Have a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!
November 24, 2010
On Hiatus For Thanskgiving
So... I've been MIA on here since my last guest blogger post. Life gets hectic sometimes and for a few days I forget I have this blog. Not like in an abandoned child, bad Mother way but more of a let's just procrastinate a little because I don't have time right now, hey that's what I did with all my college papers and I managed to pass so it's gotta work here too! A lot goes into writing post sometimes. Maybe I should do a post on how I create my post? Hmm...
I will be back on track after the this weekend. I need to recover from the eating and the shopping I intend to do. Have a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!
I will be back on track after the this weekend. I need to recover from the eating and the shopping I intend to do. Have a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!
November 11, 2010
The Most Important Meal
If you were to ask me what my favorite type of food is. I would say breakfast food. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, omelettes, waffles, french toast, fruit, oatmeal, the possibilities are just endless. I have to have breakfast. It doesn't matter that its Noon, the first thing down to my tummy must fit in the breakfast category. Even if all I have is a yogurt and some juice. That's a breakfast. Not a very hearty one but still breakfast. I think I will dedicate a special post later in the future just to breakfast foods.
This weekend it was time for some BFF time. I suggested Breakfast Saturday morning. I was not expecting the "Be ready by 8:30" notice they gave me but that's what I get for not having babies. Wait...that was mean to myself. I enjoy my sleep in time and appreciate it. I totally admire the mommies that no longer get to do that. I will sleep in for you. Go ahead live vicariously through me!
Moving on...So around 9AM this past Saturday C, D and I all rolled on in to Jack n' Jill's in Santa Monica. I used to work across the street from this place and breakfast never tasted so good. Until I had that magic breakfast sandwich, you member? This one!(oh FYI ladies, the link is worth the click...I'm just saying. Keep rolling down you'll see what I mean)
But back to Jack n' Jill's. While their breakfast sandwiches never got the magic title, their everything else did. They have a great selection of dishes to choose from. Check out the breakfast menu! (please excuse my drool..from here on out...)
I have two personal faves, the Oatmeal and the Custom Omlete. I went with the Omlete. C had the Frittata and D had a breakfast sandwich. (drool)
Jack n' Jill's is a really tiny place a few tables on the ground floor and a few more on a second level right above the kitchen. But it's not some like a hole in the wall place. The portions are big. You walk in order and then take a seat. Your order comes out pretty quick and all the food tastes fresh and yummy (drool). They also have great lunches too! Definitely recommend. We also spotted Marcia Cross. You know, the red head from Desperate Housewives. She dashed in ordered and dashed out. Didn't even say thank you to the cashier when she said "I love your show". Mean Marcia Cross.
It was a great meal and it's always a fun time with the best-est. When you can, take the time to sit and have breakfast with your family or with your friends or heck with yourself. It's a nice way to start your day. Plus it's the most important meal of the day. I know it's hard sometimes and we are just rushing in the morning to get out the door and start our day...for which we are already late...or is that just always me? But seriously have some breakfast people!

This weekend it was time for some BFF time. I suggested Breakfast Saturday morning. I was not expecting the "Be ready by 8:30" notice they gave me but that's what I get for not having babies. Wait...that was mean to myself. I enjoy my sleep in time and appreciate it. I totally admire the mommies that no longer get to do that. I will sleep in for you. Go ahead live vicariously through me!
Moving on...So around 9AM this past Saturday C, D and I all rolled on in to Jack n' Jill's in Santa Monica. I used to work across the street from this place and breakfast never tasted so good. Until I had that magic breakfast sandwich, you member? This one!(oh FYI ladies, the link is worth the click...I'm just saying. Keep rolling down you'll see what I mean)
But back to Jack n' Jill's. While their breakfast sandwiches never got the magic title, their everything else did. They have a great selection of dishes to choose from. Check out the breakfast menu! (please excuse my drool..from here on out...)
Jack n' Jill's is a really tiny place a few tables on the ground floor and a few more on a second level right above the kitchen. But it's not some like a hole in the wall place. The portions are big. You walk in order and then take a seat. Your order comes out pretty quick and all the food tastes fresh and yummy (drool). They also have great lunches too! Definitely recommend. We also spotted Marcia Cross. You know, the red head from Desperate Housewives. She dashed in ordered and dashed out. Didn't even say thank you to the cashier when she said "I love your show". Mean Marcia Cross.
It was a great meal and it's always a fun time with the best-est. When you can, take the time to sit and have breakfast with your family or with your friends or heck with yourself. It's a nice way to start your day. Plus it's the most important meal of the day. I know it's hard sometimes and we are just rushing in the morning to get out the door and start our day...for which we are already late...or is that just always me? But seriously have some breakfast people!
Over the Weekend...,
November 3, 2010
Over the Weekend: I will Survive... Halloween?
Lots of people just love Halloween. The gore, the horror, the evil, the costumes, the candy the fun! I'm not one of those people. I get the lure of dressing up and all that jazz (name that movie?) Plus the candy, I mean it's the one night a year when girls can dress like a total sluts and no other girls can say anything about it (name that movie?)
Halloween was never really part of my life growing up anyway. It was just another day. I hate everything horror. I really do. I don't watch scary movies. I don't go to Halloween Haunts or Scary Farms...Nope, not for me, PASS! Just ask my friends. They have been trying to get me to go to those things for years. Seriously some one could get hurt. Imagine some scary, crazy thing coming at me. My fight response may active, I would pop that creature in the face while shouting, "Break Yo Self Fool!" (Name that movie?) Or my flight response would activate in which case I would run and scream. The last horror movie I saw was Scream 2 I think. Why on Earth would I pay to get scared?? I'm a chicken and I admit it freely and shamelessly.
By this time of the year I'm concentrating on Christmas. Seriously. My sister and I by now have decided on what theme we will be decorating our tree and also what supplies we will need. It's a sick obsession really but we love it. To each family their own tradition. Stop judging us!
This year however I was invited to a B-day party / Halloween party. Being that all my close friends would be in attendance I decided to attend. However I was not too thrilled with having to dress up. I just put that notion to the side and didn't start putting together a costume until about an hour before the party started.
What could I come up with based on what I had in my house at this very moment. I had this cool black cape, wear something goth, throw on some heels and buy some fake Vampire teeth. I would be a vampire. Nah, Claudia and Manny would be going as a vampire couple... hmm... Let's call some people up and see what left over costumes they have. Two calls later, no luck. I stood in my closet for a bit when it hit me...Catholic school girl. LOL so ironic. White top, check! Pleated Skirt, oops. Oh well. Maybe I would find one at my local emergency store.
What is an emergency store? It's those low end budget "fashion" stores you find next to a supermarket or a Target. Cheap clothes that are trendy and usually there is lots and lots to choose from. Plus a wide selection of what I call "hoochie gear." For sure they would have a pleated skirt! My all time fave is called Fashion Time, and my second fave is called $5.99 Hi-Fashion. Yes please, take a moment to laugh at the names.
And wouldn't you know it! Scored me a pleated skirt for $5.99. Yup, you guessed it. At the $5.99 Hi-Fashion store. So I headed on to my friends party in full costume. Ta-dow! How you like me now? (name that song?)
I even caught a cool ghost hanging round. His name is Buddy the friendly ghost. I refuse to believe this is something scary or eerie. He is my friend. You take pictures with your friends and I don't give you that crazy look!!
But tonight for me was not really a celebration of Halloween. It was just a night I let loose and had some fun, pretended to be Maite pretending to be Lupita (name that novela?) I had a tough week not to mention some emotional baggage that just wont shake. So when they played our song (mine and Ariana's)...you 'member Ariana...I first mention her here and she even got her very own post here....Well when they played our song it was on like donkey kong! (name that movie?) I have absolutely no shame is sharing this video....We are dancing our little heartbroken hearts away. It's a very healthy process. Some might even call it therapy.
If you can name the 4 movies, 2 songs and 1 novela without Google, I will give you a candy bar...There is no way I can actually verify this so I'm trusting y'all to use your honor code. I just got a little county on y'all.
Halloween was never really part of my life growing up anyway. It was just another day. I hate everything horror. I really do. I don't watch scary movies. I don't go to Halloween Haunts or Scary Farms...Nope, not for me, PASS! Just ask my friends. They have been trying to get me to go to those things for years. Seriously some one could get hurt. Imagine some scary, crazy thing coming at me. My fight response may active, I would pop that creature in the face while shouting, "Break Yo Self Fool!" (Name that movie?) Or my flight response would activate in which case I would run and scream. The last horror movie I saw was Scream 2 I think. Why on Earth would I pay to get scared?? I'm a chicken and I admit it freely and shamelessly.
By this time of the year I'm concentrating on Christmas. Seriously. My sister and I by now have decided on what theme we will be decorating our tree and also what supplies we will need. It's a sick obsession really but we love it. To each family their own tradition. Stop judging us!
This year however I was invited to a B-day party / Halloween party. Being that all my close friends would be in attendance I decided to attend. However I was not too thrilled with having to dress up. I just put that notion to the side and didn't start putting together a costume until about an hour before the party started.
What could I come up with based on what I had in my house at this very moment. I had this cool black cape, wear something goth, throw on some heels and buy some fake Vampire teeth. I would be a vampire. Nah, Claudia and Manny would be going as a vampire couple... hmm... Let's call some people up and see what left over costumes they have. Two calls later, no luck. I stood in my closet for a bit when it hit me...Catholic school girl. LOL so ironic. White top, check! Pleated Skirt, oops. Oh well. Maybe I would find one at my local emergency store.
What is an emergency store? It's those low end budget "fashion" stores you find next to a supermarket or a Target. Cheap clothes that are trendy and usually there is lots and lots to choose from. Plus a wide selection of what I call "hoochie gear." For sure they would have a pleated skirt! My all time fave is called Fashion Time, and my second fave is called $5.99 Hi-Fashion. Yes please, take a moment to laugh at the names.
And wouldn't you know it! Scored me a pleated skirt for $5.99. Yup, you guessed it. At the $5.99 Hi-Fashion store. So I headed on to my friends party in full costume. Ta-dow! How you like me now? (name that song?)
I even caught a cool ghost hanging round. His name is Buddy the friendly ghost. I refuse to believe this is something scary or eerie. He is my friend. You take pictures with your friends and I don't give you that crazy look!!
But tonight for me was not really a celebration of Halloween. It was just a night I let loose and had some fun, pretended to be Maite pretending to be Lupita (name that novela?) I had a tough week not to mention some emotional baggage that just wont shake. So when they played our song (mine and Ariana's)...you 'member Ariana...I first mention her here and she even got her very own post here....Well when they played our song it was on like donkey kong! (name that movie?) I have absolutely no shame is sharing this video....We are dancing our little heartbroken hearts away. It's a very healthy process. Some might even call it therapy.
(Name that song?)
If you can name the 4 movies, 2 songs and 1 novela without Google, I will give you a candy bar...There is no way I can actually verify this so I'm trusting y'all to use your honor code. I just got a little county on y'all.
Over the Weekend...
November 1, 2010
Tiny Room Makeover: The Great Bed Frame Search Extravaganza!
To begin my little makeover, you member? No...awkward, well, how about you read this this: Tiny Room Makeover: The Plan Than come on back here... Or just keep reading...
I decided to first work on the big things like the furniture and move around from there. I already knew what dresser I wanted and from where.
Meet the Malm 6 Drawer Chest in Black Brown found in Ikea:
It looks more black than brown in this picture but I like it that way. I first tried looking all over Craigslist for this dresser but after about a month of searching...no luck. So I decided to move on and buy a brand spanking new one. For $159 its not too bad. Although in my head I like to price things based on what I believe they should be. In my head this should be more like $89.99 but whatever...
Then came the search for my new bed. I knew what I wanted and from where. Meet the West Elm Storage bed:
Not as modern and pretty as the West Elm bed but it was close. I found it on Ebay for $199.99 plus $60 for shipping and handling. I did not jump out of my seat or anything but I was excited I was getting close. My continuing search lead me to Wal-Mart's website. While I'm not a fan of the store (except to load up on Christmas decorations!!! You better believe there will be a post about that!) I started to look around. I found some close matches and while they had me at the correct price I just did not like them...
Ignore the headboard for a moment...and the gray lines around the picture I failed to remove...This bed frame was just what i was looking for. The two drawers were split into 2 inside so I would be getting 4! Color, price, size!! AND NO HANDLES!!!!
Now about that pesky headboard...I decided I could live with it. I didn't want a headboard but looking at this one I figured I could place my alarm clock on it..A picture frame and my current readings...Sold!!
So after searching the Internet a few more days including eBay and Cragislist...I looked over my final selection made some measurements and headed on over to my local Walmart to make my purchase. Followed by a trip to Ikea to pick up my Drawer.
I headed home and Papa Bear and I began putting my furniture together. The dresser came together perfectly. The bed frame however...PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To be continued...
I decided to first work on the big things like the furniture and move around from there. I already knew what dresser I wanted and from where.
Meet the Malm 6 Drawer Chest in Black Brown found in Ikea:
It looks more black than brown in this picture but I like it that way. I first tried looking all over Craigslist for this dresser but after about a month of searching...no luck. So I decided to move on and buy a brand spanking new one. For $159 its not too bad. Although in my head I like to price things based on what I believe they should be. In my head this should be more like $89.99 but whatever...
Then came the search for my new bed. I knew what I wanted and from where. Meet the West Elm Storage bed:
This bed is exactly what I was looking for. It met all of my criteria.
-Twin size
-At least 3 drawers for storage. Preferable with no handles.
-Black-Brown in color.
-No headboard.
-Priced under $200.....oy. Problem. Selling at $1,199.00 (special $899, yeah still a problem) it soooo does not meet my final and most important criteria. So began my search for my bed.
My first Google search lead me to some beautiful beds like the West Elm but unfortunately none that fit my criteria. Some just came in the wrong color or were not available in a Twin Size...I spent about an hour searching when I came upon this PrePac Espresso Twin Platform Storage Bed:
South Shore Cosmos Twin Mates Bed - $149.94
I really, really dislike these handles but its very close...I dislike those handles very much.
South Shore - Cakao Twin-Size Mate's Bed - $139.99
This one was much sleeker looking but those handles...those are just some serious bruising waiting to happen. I thought I could just remove them but then I would have a hole. Also the review said it was actually black not brown. But even with all this it was the closest I had gotten.
Right when I was about to give up I came across this:
Mainstays Twin Storage Bed with Headboard - $159.99
Ignore the headboard for a moment...and the gray lines around the picture I failed to remove...This bed frame was just what i was looking for. The two drawers were split into 2 inside so I would be getting 4! Color, price, size!! AND NO HANDLES!!!!
Now about that pesky headboard...I decided I could live with it. I didn't want a headboard but looking at this one I figured I could place my alarm clock on it..A picture frame and my current readings...Sold!!
So after searching the Internet a few more days including eBay and Cragislist...I looked over my final selection made some measurements and headed on over to my local Walmart to make my purchase. Followed by a trip to Ikea to pick up my Drawer.
I headed home and Papa Bear and I began putting my furniture together. The dresser came together perfectly. The bed frame however...PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To be continued...
Room Makeover