Today's guest is my good friend Marissa. AKA my only CSULB friend! Of all the math classes in the school I tried to add into I chose the same one she registered for. I wouldn't have made it with out her. For sure would not have passed that Oceanography class with out her...
Marisol knows that I am one random gal…always waiting with random facts about random things in random places. Anyhoo…after reading my “Top Ten Guilty Pleasures” you will feel like you know me so much better than ever before!!! Ok…maybe not…but at least it’s entertaining, which is probably why she asked me to be a guest blogger on the new and improved “The SeaSol Blog”. So here goes…Marissa’s Top Ten Guilty Pleasures! Enjoy J
1. Keeping Up With the Kardashians
This show is absolutely retarded….based upon three sisters; Kourtney, Kim, & Khloe and their unrealistic drama filled lives. I did not have the pleasure of growing up with sisters and watching this show where they give each other bikini waxes which in result causes a “burn”…ouch, take litmus breast milk tests so that their infant child will not be affected by their previous nights drunken stupor, intervene in each other’s love lives by breaking into boyfriends voicemails, go on countless photo shoots for who knows who’s magazine…shall I go on? Extremely entertaining…embarrassed to admit that it makes me long for sisters.
2. Singing in the car like a rock star to Taylor Swift
Have I mentioned how much I love this sweet country teen sensation. She may not be the best singer but she is so sweet and passionate. Maybe I love her wholesome nature or her honest lyrics about love, hope, and what her mother has sacrificed to raise her. Or her fearless nature to be who she is, a mature young woman who wears dresses EVERYDAY, in lieu of her peers: Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Brittney Spears, ALL who like to be photographed wearing butt bearing dresses with no undergarments…sad times people. Anyhoo…I digress…tell me that you have not found yourself reciting lyrics to a Taylor Swift song?!? “Been here all along why can’t you seeeeeeeeeeee… belong with meeeeeee…”
3. Sleeping past noon
On those days where I don’t have any plans before 2…I just LOVE to carelessly sleep in the bed sprawled out eye boogers and all….lol.
(Not an actual picture of me but I am POSITIVE that my mother has pictures of me somewhere in this same position)
4. Twilight series/The Vampire Diaries/True Blood
I am NOT vampire obsessed but it seems like recently writers/TV/movies have all jumped on the bandwagon of telling us the tales of vampire novellas! I love it…lol. I admit that I am guilty for stealing my 12 yr-old cousins copy of Twilight (only overnight and I returned it) to read the epic drama cover to cover last summer….oh good times J Ever since then I have finished the Twilight series and CAN’T wait to see the next installation of the series of our beloved Bella, Edward, and Jacob. We all know who she picks but we still want to see it!!! Bring it on!!!! In addition, I have found myself immersed in the new CW series “The Vampire Diaries” ONLY because Paul Wesley who plays Stefan is bee you tee full…(see the pic’s a lil dark but you can still see my point!!!) Ok, and my last vampire obsession is “True Blood”…it’s simply a train wreck of characters who have BAAAADDD Louisiana accents but yet I can’t seem to jump this train. I have to know what is going to happen to precocious, foul-mouthed, mind-reading Sookie Stackhouse.

5. Texting in the car
Guilty as charged. I did not sign the Oprah “No Phone Zone” pledge. You can find me driving 80mph on the 134 texting at 7:30 am…Monday thru Friday. Not proud…it just is what it is.
6. Late night cookie runs to the Doubletree Hotel
I’m not afraid to admit it!!! My name is Marissa and I am addicted to cookies. I have been known to leave my house in night gear (night gowns…but not too crazy) to fulfill my heart’s desire for a Doubletree Hotel chocolate chip cookie. They have them waiting for me WARMED when I walk in the door. Words are not necessary. I approach the front desk and the concierge knows what I need. No lie. Don’t be jealous.
7. The Bachelor/Bachelorette
These men and women are willingly submitting themselves to be televised to have America watch them “look for love” (in a bikini or swim trunks) making out with 21 eligible and eager bachelors/bachelorettes. We have to up our standards people. Really. This too is a hopeless train wreck and once again, I can’t seem to get off the train. While some are on the show to really find love and I really hope the best for these that are looking for love genuinely (even if it is in all the wrong places) others are there to promote themselves and their childhood dream of being famous. Let’s be honest people…would you be able to find your soul mate in this group of men?
8. Reading everyday
Who needs the newspaper when I have everything that I need to know on!!! They have a shirtless picture of Kellan Lutz everyday. Do we even know why? Dude…you were in two movies (the Twilight series and you barely had five lines combined). But I love their Celebrity Baby Blog and the Best Quotes of the Week. Random celebrities share their woes of parenthood and their ability to put their foot in their mouths. It should remind us that they are just like us….IMPERFECT. Not really news…but entertaining nevertheless.
9. Monkey paraphenelia
I love monkeys….can’t explain it. Favorite animal. People that I don’t even know at work bring me items with monkeys on them. Random, I know. But my latest and greatest monkey find is Anti-Monkey Butt powder…..hahahahahahahahahaha…HILARIOUS!
10. Spending $50 on one meal
…ridiculous I know! I am in the process of “getting out of debt” even though I will have student loan debt for a couple of years to come…but still…liquid debt be gone! It is so hard to pass up on an amazing meal that could possibly change your life!!! Last meal that I had was from Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel’s Napa Rose. I had the pleasure of indulging in their strawberry sage barbeque duck breast….yum…I can still taste it.