Single or not it's valentines day tomorrow. Now, most couples will do something or another tomorrow but recently I've been hearing most are doing something around the date instead. Good for you, people. The Boyfriend and I have been doing that for years.
This year we spent all day Saturday together doing all kinds of different stuff: We went
hiking in the morning (I dressed in one too many layers, lesson learned!), ate lunch at one of our
favorite places, took a nap (20 minutes goes a long way), played with his nephew, got into a fight, made up, went to go see
The Artist where we sneaked in my purse.
only shot of the whole day... |
But come tomorrow we will probably just hang out together and exchange a gift. Which leads to the gift guide I handed to The Boyfriend.
- A loose leaf tea infuser...
- An electric kettle (wich was on the x-mas list but did not make it under the tree and for some reason I have yet to purchase it myself)
- Or any of the following 3 fragrances...
Let's see what surprise awaits me tomorrow. Are you Valentine-ing on a non 14th day? If not tomorrow i got ya covered on a budget, last minute type of date or an easy way to score some free stuff courtesy of St. V.
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