What on Earth do a Dodger Dog and sea water have in common? Well, not much other than the fact that I ingested both of those items over the weekend. Let's just say I definitely prefer one over the other, guess which one?
Dodger games are now forever ruined for me. You know what they say, once you go Dugout Club you never go back. Or you do go back but then are kicked out for not having the proper pretty shiny ticket to get in. We got a nice hookup for Saturday's game, there is NO WAY I would ever pay 500 for a seat, seriously are you kidding me Dodgers?
I'm know I'll keep visit the stadium in my not so shiny ticket seats. I think it was the unlimited food that just sealed the deal for me, you know how I feel about food! Even though the food that day was not that impressive it was still free. So an egg omelet, a Dodger dog, some garlic fries, one frozen lemonade, some candy and a bag of cracker jacks later I was one happy camper...err...fan?
Here are some photos to impress you with my player knowledge...of which I have none...
Seriously, I'm not even zooming in.
Later that night we ate some sushi with some friends (yum sushi) and then headed over to Summer Nights in China Town where we tried to relive our youth...
Sunday was just as great of a day. It was perfect beach weather. I just learned how to swim a few years go, I'm a late bloomer like that, so swimming in the ocean is still a fairly new venture for me. But I felt brave that day. So of we went... into the deep. Sort of, the tide was low. Jumping waves and going under them, it was fun. I felt alive I tell ya. My hair sticking to my face, floating in the boyfriend's arms, trying not to flash people with my shifted bikini top after crashing with a wave ahhhh..life.
Now this is also the part where the ocean decided to remind me that I'm not that cool. I would also like to officially blame the boyfriend...(disclaimer: not really his fault.) Like I said, getting in the deep is new to me. A wave was coming, it looked big. I had a choice. I decided to go under he suggested I jump. I was confused for a second...it was to late to do either properly and the wave knocked me hard. I swirled around in the water and tried to float up to the surface, I managed to do so only to get smacked again and here.... here is where I tasted the sea water of Manhattan Beach, Ca. A heaping chunk of it. Oh, it got me good. But no worries, I didn't drown, and I made sure the ocean got back what it gave me along with something a little extra. Ha! Take that ocean waves! I got out and spent the rest of the day roasting on the sand...good times. I'll be back...

I'm know I'll keep visit the stadium in my not so shiny ticket seats. I think it was the unlimited food that just sealed the deal for me, you know how I feel about food! Even though the food that day was not that impressive it was still free. So an egg omelet, a Dodger dog, some garlic fries, one frozen lemonade, some candy and a bag of cracker jacks later I was one happy camper...err...fan?
Here are some photos to impress you with my player knowledge...of which I have none...
Seriously, I'm not even zooming in.
Later that night we ate some sushi with some friends (yum sushi) and then headed over to Summer Nights in China Town where we tried to relive our youth...
Unfortunately my hips hurt really bad after this.
Their names are Sput and Nik.
Ari, rolling with her entourage... yeah she's cool like that.
Gotta love gritty iPhone photos at night. I should really carry my camera around more. Sunday was just as great of a day. It was perfect beach weather. I just learned how to swim a few years go, I'm a late bloomer like that, so swimming in the ocean is still a fairly new venture for me. But I felt brave that day. So of we went... into the deep. Sort of, the tide was low. Jumping waves and going under them, it was fun. I felt alive I tell ya. My hair sticking to my face, floating in the boyfriend's arms, trying not to flash people with my shifted bikini top after crashing with a wave ahhhh..life.
Now this is also the part where the ocean decided to remind me that I'm not that cool. I would also like to officially blame the boyfriend...(disclaimer: not really his fault.) Like I said, getting in the deep is new to me. A wave was coming, it looked big. I had a choice. I decided to go under he suggested I jump. I was confused for a second...it was to late to do either properly and the wave knocked me hard. I swirled around in the water and tried to float up to the surface, I managed to do so only to get smacked again and here.... here is where I tasted the sea water of Manhattan Beach, Ca. A heaping chunk of it. Oh, it got me good. But no worries, I didn't drown, and I made sure the ocean got back what it gave me along with something a little extra. Ha! Take that ocean waves! I got out and spent the rest of the day roasting on the sand...good times. I'll be back...
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