My laptop is screen is broken.
So what is a girl to do? Take her back to Best Buy! Her? Yes, my laptop is lavender so she's also a girl. I didn't drop her, slam her or abuse her in any way and it's less than a year old.
Well...Best Buy did nothing. All they said was it's not a manufacturer problem so therefore there is nothing they can do other than charge me like $500 to fix it. Dam you Geek Squad Geeks! They kept staring at me like " DIDN'T drop it." No, you MoFos! I DIDN'T drop it. It sits on my bed all day. It's very pampered if you ask me.
So I now have to call HP. Whom will most likely tell me there is nothing they can do as it's not a manufacturer problem. And they will be giving me that same look...I know it...I will feel it through my phone.
I bought my first laptop about 2005, 2004? No, 2005?. It was a Dell. I loved him. Him? Yes, he was gray with a white trim and sturdy, so it was a boy. I dropped him, slammed him, abused him, threw him in the back seat, carried him in a flimsy bag, and probably even slept on him. Poor guy, he got me through part of my college years though.
He took it like a champ. He was not without his battle scars but still running like a champ. The only real casualty was a broken "Page Down" key. He now lives with my Aunt in Guatemala. Yup still going strong!
So when it was time to upgrade because I felt like I needed to upgrade to something nicer and newer, I moseyed on over to Best Buy. Why o why did I not go to and custom order me a new laptop? No, I was lured by a pretty HP. But you my delicate HP flower, you are weak. You are fragile. You truly are pretty and fancier than my old Dell, with your built in camera, you finger scanner...but all your pretty didn't do you any good. Not to mention your built in microphone never worked either.
Since I've been laptop-less -- yes, let's laugh at how that sounds like topless -- I haven't been really posting as much as I would like to because a lot of my photos need to get Photoshoped and my laptop is the only one at home that has Photo Shop. Also, I've been using my work (Yay Dell!) and my sisters laptops (one HP, boo! One Dell, Yay!) Let's see what the folks over at HP really do tell me when I give 'em a call on Monday. Cross your fingers people!
To the MAC lovers: I don't want to hear it. I'm a PC girl. Now, don't get me wrong, sure I would love to own a MAC one day, great for my graphics and video and stuff. But guess what? I would be own both. Ahhh Snap!
Maybe right now that I'm feeling like writing I should work on an old style of post. "Over the Weekend..." remember those? Oh yeah, my finger are on fire baby!! Only I haven't been taking too many picture so it might be a bit bland on the looks department.

So what is a girl to do? Take her back to Best Buy! Her? Yes, my laptop is lavender so she's also a girl. I didn't drop her, slam her or abuse her in any way and it's less than a year old.
Well...Best Buy did nothing. All they said was it's not a manufacturer problem so therefore there is nothing they can do other than charge me like $500 to fix it. Dam you Geek Squad Geeks! They kept staring at me like " DIDN'T drop it." No, you MoFos! I DIDN'T drop it. It sits on my bed all day. It's very pampered if you ask me.
So I now have to call HP. Whom will most likely tell me there is nothing they can do as it's not a manufacturer problem. And they will be giving me that same look...I know it...I will feel it through my phone.
I bought my first laptop about 2005, 2004? No, 2005?. It was a Dell. I loved him. Him? Yes, he was gray with a white trim and sturdy, so it was a boy. I dropped him, slammed him, abused him, threw him in the back seat, carried him in a flimsy bag, and probably even slept on him. Poor guy, he got me through part of my college years though.
He took it like a champ. He was not without his battle scars but still running like a champ. The only real casualty was a broken "Page Down" key. He now lives with my Aunt in Guatemala. Yup still going strong!
So when it was time to upgrade because I felt like I needed to upgrade to something nicer and newer, I moseyed on over to Best Buy. Why o why did I not go to and custom order me a new laptop? No, I was lured by a pretty HP. But you my delicate HP flower, you are weak. You are fragile. You truly are pretty and fancier than my old Dell, with your built in camera, you finger scanner...but all your pretty didn't do you any good. Not to mention your built in microphone never worked either.
Since I've been laptop-less -- yes, let's laugh at how that sounds like topless -- I haven't been really posting as much as I would like to because a lot of my photos need to get Photoshoped and my laptop is the only one at home that has Photo Shop. Also, I've been using my work (Yay Dell!) and my sisters laptops (one HP, boo! One Dell, Yay!) Let's see what the folks over at HP really do tell me when I give 'em a call on Monday. Cross your fingers people!
To the MAC lovers: I don't want to hear it. I'm a PC girl. Now, don't get me wrong, sure I would love to own a MAC one day, great for my graphics and video and stuff. But guess what? I would be own both. Ahhh Snap!
Maybe right now that I'm feeling like writing I should work on an old style of post. "Over the Weekend..." remember those? Oh yeah, my finger are on fire baby!! Only I haven't been taking too many picture so it might be a bit bland on the looks department.
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