Jan 1, 2011 - Spent the entire day in two airports, three airplanes, one cab and finally, one hotel room.
Jan 2, 2011 / Jan 3, 2011 - Woke up to about 2 feet of snow. It looks pretty but it will make your bones hurt. Spent the entire day on the set of Shop NBC. Working.
Jan 4, 2011 - Spent the day in one hotel room, two airports, two airplanes, finally made it home.
Jan 5, 2011 - Spent the entire day in bed... sick... cough, cough...sniffle...
Jan 6, 2011 - Spent half the day at the Torrance courthouse, paid $124 for a delinquent fix-it ticket that could have cost me $10, half day at work with massive head ache and cough, Cough, COUGH... bad cold.
Jan 7, 2011 - stressed at work trying to meat deadline...realized it was Friday and sighed. Kept telling everyone I was fine! But it sounded more like "I'm Find!"
Jan 8, 2011 - slept and slept some more.. got a hair cut to make myself feel better... watched a cheesy but silly enough made for TV movie with my cousin. Had Epifany. Realized I did not know how to spell Epiphany. But most importantly realized that I got my first week of this new year jacked by Minnesota and this awful cold that WONT GO AWAY!
Well, Let's hope week two looks a little better. Oh did you noticed I changed up the blog again. Yeah I totally messed up the HTML of the way it was before so I stripped it. She (my blog is a girl) feels a little exposed but likes it at the same time.
I'm of to drug myself! I just love me some NyQuil. It truly is the nighttime, sneezing, sniffling, coughing, aching, so you can pass out and not feel guilty or get a hangover medicine. AKA my precious...
Hope you're feeling better. My mom chicken soup if you want to come over.