I don't think I will be a very neighborly person once I own my own home some day. I wont know the people that live on my block maybe not even my next door neighbors. The Smith's? The Rodriguez's? (These are my imaginary future neighbors.)
Right now though, my neighbors are my parents. So at the moment I very much KNOW my neighbors. And they know me. They also know I don't have a functioning kitchen...yet.
current state of my kitchen.... |
Last night about an hour after I got home, I had the following exchange:
MOM: Hi Mija, how are you, are you hungry??
ME: HI Mom, no I'm good right now, had a long day and I'm tired.
MOM: Are you sure, I made some (forgot name of food offered) want me to heat some up for you? Or how about a sanwich?
ME: No, I'm not that hungry, just really tired.
MOM: OK, do you want some cereal?
ME: (dam it now I want cereal, my late nigh weakness) Um...OK, I'll have some cereal.
MOM: OK, it's cold outside so I'll send your Dad.
ME: Yeah it's cold.....What?
MOM: (yelling at dad across the room) Honey, take her some cereal.
ME: Mom, it's....(interrupted)
MOM: OK your dad is taking you some cereal. Have a good night mija.
2 minutes later..knock at the door, Dad walks in.
DAD: Hi Mija, where are you?
ME: Laying down, I'm tired.
DAD: (hands me a bowl of milk) Here you go.
ME: Oh, thank you, but where's the cereal?
DAD: (Walks back into living room)
ME: (I should have asked for a banana...)
DAD: (Comes back in with box and a banana)
ME: Yay! How'd you know I wanted a banana?
DAD: I know my daughters.
ME: (Aww...)
3 minutes later Mom's at the Door. 30 minutes later my neighbors finally left parents went home, they may or may not have tried to tuck me in. (awkward).
I love having my own place and still be close to home and a free kitchen. However, they know my every move day and night and drop by when they like....just like nosy neighbors would I suppose. But I can stand it, for now, since they are my parents.