Most people are shocked when I tell them I never believed in Santa Claus. Yeah, take a moment to breath into a paper bag... since I'm 29 you can get over it quickly. Get ready for another bag though... I don't plan on letting my kids believe in it either. You OK out there?

Hear me out. Growing up I still did have that giddy, goofy look when I saw Santa at the mall but it's like when you spot a celebrity. They are just people but you cant help and get a little excited. I was brought up focusing on the "Christ" part of Christmas. It was about the gift of Jesus. With that said my house still transformed and there were lights, holly plants and a Christmas tree, the decorating was in full bloom. But at the core in my house, it was never about that stuff. Now, not everyone may agree with that but I was happy with that. It made all the extra stuff like presents and decorations even more special because I realized what I was celebrating. It wasn't about the gifts I was going to get, it was really just a happy time. Besides when you are a kid you always get presents around this time. From relatives, neighbors, friends, church... People can't help but gift kids. Who needs Santa!
Then there was the day I ruined Santa for my whole second grade class. I guess my parents should of told me not to tell other kids there is no real Santa. There was crying and there was some angry parents but all in all they got over it. I hope. Note to self: Make sure to tell future children to not spoil Santa for other children. That's the other thing. Some kids really take it hard when they find out the truth. Now that is just mean in my opinion.
I'm sure many of you will disagree with me. Go ahead. It's OK. I'm not trying to change your mind or run some campaign against Santa. I'm just sharing. I hope to instill in my kids a love for the holiday and to teach them about giving and not receiving so much, although that's always a toughie since, well, they are kids. That it's OK to have fun with the notion of Santa Claus but to understand that he's not real just a character and he's definitely not getting the children all over the world presents for being good and coal to those that are bad. That I will be getting the presents that I can give them. I also hope to pass on the crazy decorating gene that turns me into a Christmas Nazi. Hmm Christmas and Nazi, not two word I thought of ever putting together, but there they are. I'm serious about the decorating. So much so that I am dedicating a second Christmas post on it.
Nowadays, my sisters (they also did not believe in Santa) and I post our Christmas list up so we (our immediate family) can see what we all want. We even force one out of Mom and Dad. They usually give us the "You don't have to get me anything" line but we just roll our eyes and ask anyway. Well, we get that line from Dad, Mom usually has no problem letting us know. It all started as a joke when my sister, Karen, put a car as her number one gift for Christmas one year. She wasn't getting it but the other smaller items on her list rolled in. Genius! She no longer places a car on her list. Only because she gave up not because she actually got one. Hahaha hehehe... Sometimes we'll put something that we know for sure we are not getting but it's more of a joke than anything else. Even though down deep inside we really want it. I know Karen still wants that car! Bottom line we don't stress about gifts, if we can, we give. If we can't, we don't. The lists are just for us 5. We don't pass them out or anything.
When people come over they always say "Hey that's a great idea" so I thought it would be a fun post to share my x-mas list and maybe you will share yours. Or start your own list with your family or completely hate the idea and that's OK. (Can you guess what my joke item is this year even though I really want it!?!?!)
So in the spirit of children that do believe in Santa... Here is my first ever letter to Santa:
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing well and that your elves are working hard but not too hard. Hopefully you have upgraded to some sort of assembly line and they can mass produce all the toys needed for all the kids around the world. We have an overpopulated planet so I can only imagine how stressing it is to see the list grow every year.
I've been a really good girl this year. I swear ask my Mom and Dad. There were a few moments here and there but nothing too bad. Here is what I would like for Christmas presents:
And last but definitely not least:
So that's it. Oh and if it wouldn't be too much trouble could you also please, if your not too busy, feed all the hungry children in the world and make sure they have some shoes too. That would be great, even if it means not getting me anything on my list.
Merry Christmas,
So how did I do? What's on your list for "Santa"?